Everything about sex

Want to find general information about sex? Then read more about it in this text. Here you can read all about: STIs, having safe sex and talking about sex.

What are the reasons to have sex?

You can have different reasons for having sex. Usually it has to do with achieving a goal, for physical reasons, because you are insecure or for emotional reasons.

People who want to achieve goals through sex is usually about getting a job or money. It also happens that they do it out of revenge or want status. If one wants to get rid of their headache or burn calories, this can also be a goal to have sex.

Physical reasons mainly came to speech were reducing stress, you feel attracted to yourself, you want to gain experience or you do it for lust.

If you are insecure about sex you usually think it is a duty to have sex or you think of everyone else has already done it why not me? This is called social pressure, you start doing it because others have already done it and you think you are behind.

For emotional reasons, this is when you get the feeling of love. You feel comfortable with the person and express your feelings.

Other reasons for when you are in a relationship, for example, are to have a child or to get more excitement in the relationship.

Talking about sex

Talking about sex can be tricky, you might be afraid of hurting your partner or making them feel attacked. In a relationship, it can be important to talk about it, this allows you to grow in sexuality. You discover several things that you or your partner may not or may not like.

The most important thing when you talk about it is that you trust each other. Especially discuss with your partner what is going well so they don't feel attacked. You should also be able to discuss everything, so if you like something you don't have to be ashamed of it being weird.

The important thing is to talk to each other in a normal way, so stay friendly and don't get too negative. If your partner suggests something new be open to things, don't judge the person. You may also be afraid of what the other person wants and may feel threatened by it. Feelings of insecurity or anger may surface. It is best to put this aside for a while. Talking is all about finding out what the other person wants and likes.

Sexual border crossing

Sexual behavior you don't like is called crossing sexual boundaries. This involves someone overstepping your boundaries. Someone can do this by using force or threatening you. You can also be blackmailed, for example by someone threatening to put something online that no one else should see. Sex is only okay if both people choose it and want it, no one is forced, you don't feel bad when it happens and you are both equal as a person.

When sexual boundary crossing occurs, it is always the fault of the person doing it. Sometimes the victim is still blamed. After all, it shouldn't matter what you are wearing or whether you have had too much to drink. After all, it is never your own fault if you experience sexual boundary crossing. After all, the person who is to blame is overstepping your boundaries.

Having safe sex

Having safe sex means not getting pregnant or avoiding giving or getting an STI. You only have safe sex if you use contraceptives if there is contact. Most commonly used for safe sex is a condom. For a woman, you can get an IUD or take the pill, for example. This, however, only prevents you from getting pregnant, so there is still a chance of contracting an STI. A condom does protect against both.

If you use a condom, make sure it is approved. You can usually find this on the packaging. The expiry date is also good to keep an eye on. It is also handy to have practiced it beforehand.

There are also a few unreliable ways to prevent pregnancy. For example, you have that you get out of the vagina before you cum. You also have a method called periodic abstinence. In this method, you calculate the days when the woman is not fertile, for the purpose of having sex without a condom. This, on the other hand, is not a good way to do it, this is because fertility is not always accurate and therefore you cannot plan for it.


Unsafe sex can lead to an STI. An STI is also known as a sexual condition that can be transmitted. Many STIs are different also how you can know if you have one. For example, with some you itch a lot near your genital area, and with others you don't even realize you have one. Still, an STI you don't notice can affect your health. Most STIs are curable if you get treated quickly. You should especially get tested if you have had sex that was not safe.

You have different STIs such as: Chlamydia(Best known), Gonorrhoea, Herpes, HIV and AIDS, Hepatitis B, Syphilis and genital warts.

Chlamydia is the most common STI. For example, as a girl, you may notice that you have chlamydia that you have pain when urinating or that it hurts when you have sex again. In a boy, you may also get pain during urination or have discharge at the urethra, this does not have to be the case by the way. Even if you have no symptoms, you can still have chlamydia. If you do not treat yourself against this, there is a chance that you will become less fertile or even the worst case scenario is that you will no longer be fertile at all.

With HIV and AIDS, the symptoms are very obvious. If you just got HIV, you will have the same symptoms as if you had the flu. Only many years later will you get worse symptoms. When it is fully developed, then you are talking about AIDS. Because it has fully developed, it makes you very sick. You also get diseases that most people barely have. This is because the immune system no longer functions properly. Once you have HIV, you cannot be cured of it. However, there are medicines that slow it down.